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It's 2022, See Ya 2021!!

It's early January #2022NH. We are getting below zero temperatures which means the lakes,

ponds, and #skating rinks are freezing for winter activities to commence! There will be Winter Carnivals, skiing, cross-country skiing, ice sailing, and winter hiking - Stay Up-to-Date with Kearsarge Calendar

A new beginning is welcomed after the crazy year of 2021 that dragged in the effect of the 2020 #COVID pandemic. Remote socialization, masked shopping, #homeschooling were the norm. Spring felt like winter with below usual temperatures. Summer swooped in with rain and oppressive humidity!

Was this really our New Hampshire?

As always, our niche of New Hampshire gave great reprieve. Just walking along a rushing brook in spring, or jumping in any of the local lakes to refresh in summer confirmed that our slice of life was a bit more manageable because of where we live.

Kearsarge Calendar had to change an abundance of events to #remote happenings and add #zoom meeting links. Many activities were canceled, businesses had limited or call ahead hours. Some restaurants just closed their doors. Some limped along and made use of @ChowNow and @GrubHub apps for ease of ordering. Locals rallied and supported our treasured eateries. Even some fundraisers were remote! This became a way of socializing; picking up an order and having someone run it out to your car!

Beaches were busy, and The

#NLBarn put productions on under an enormous tent on #ColbySawyer's campus. No, it wasn't the same as years before and summer felt quieter. Masks were required at close proximity. However, it allowed, at least this writer, to appreciate having attended the Straw Hat Revue at the NL Barn or catch candy from parade walkers. Fall wasn't ushered in with the #Warnernh Fall Festival, and Muster Field Farm didn't hold all their lovely events.

Remote offices meant executives were able to work from their homes, so why not live where you want to? Real Estate boomed! An affirmation of the hashtag #lovewhereyoulive!

As if on cue, #Autumn2021 slipped in and lingered...We didn't have Warner's Fall Foliage, but hey! October stretched the foliage out to the pleasure of every beholder. Halloween was kind of warm and huge amounts of trick or treaters made the rounds!

#Winter2022 is here...Bob houses are going up and augers are drilling down for ice fishing. Mini on-lake villages are appearing for the seasonal escape to warm hut.

COVID made a visit to almost every family in the #KearsargeNH Community in one way or another. Kearsarge Calendar - a one-woman, unpaid service - had its own personal losses and took a hiatus in December of 2021 to readjust like the rest of the world. But life goes on, despite losses, the weather, social changes, and the appearance of a possible new normal. As we have learned it's just different and you ratchet with the times. Keep an eye on the calendar, it's ever-changing.

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